Monday 18 August 2014

What are 'high-traffic' coatings

Work-space floors can have very different requirements due to the activity that takes place in that particular area
From high people-traffic in school or office block passageways, to heavy vehicle load-bays or work-shop floors - each area has its own set of challenges. Substrates can vary from wood, to galvanised iron through to screeded concrete, and it is essential to take these factors into account when selecting a suitable coating.
When it comes to coatings (as opposed to self-levelling screeds), twin pack epoxies tend to be the product of choice. They are self-priming on cured cement (due to their chemical resistant properties) and can be applied directly to bright metal - although priming with a twin-pack etch primer would give better long term results.
On wooden floors - where high traffic is expected - it would be better to use a twin-pack polyurethane. They are, in general, more flexible and do not yellow over time so that the natural appearance of the wood is not affected.
Passageways, depending on the volume of traffic, the substrate, and in the case of schools - the budget, can be coated with twin-pack epoxies (best option) or single pack polyurethane enamels. The single pack polyurethane enamel, although not as abrasion resistant as the epoxies, is far cheaper and can be applied by less skilled applicators.

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